Hey y’all! I’m Morgan, mom of 2 beautiful daughters, wife to the most amazing man, paramedic, and new entrepreneur! I’ve been making things out of yarn for as long as I can remember, whether I’m whipping something up with a crochet hook or knocking my needles together for a knit creation, I can always be found with some sort of yarn in my lap!

In October of 2019, my husband asked why I never tried to sell some of my items that I make, rather than make tons of things that would never get used or worn. I didn’t have an honest answer for him, aside from the fact that I didn’t think items made by ME would be good enough for anyone else! I didn’t think anyone would want anything, less yet BUY something, y’all, I was wrong! He encouraged me to reach out and to share my skills with others, so in November, I opened my Etsy shop!

I never thought that doing something I enjoy so much could bring in extra income, and now I’ve kinda become obsessed! I have an Instagram and Facebook business page, personalized tags, business cards, etc.. I’ve also expanded my knowledge and skill level, including testing for other makers, designing my own patterns and I’m even trying my hand at pom pom making (we’ll see how it goes 🤪)!

I understand the struggle of being a full time mom, wife, maker, employee of someone else, and small business owner and I’m here to try to make things easier for everyone struggling with the juggle!